So here are the pictures related to my YouTube video that I’m not able to show due to YouTube’s privacy policy. Click on them to see them in original size. Then use the arrow buttons left and right to navigate through the pics. Julian Brand (also known as Julian Finch) is a Hollywood actor known for his appearance in The Wolf of Wallstreet.

To learn more about Julian Brand and how this Hollywood actor is involved into the scam, check my post here.


Yash Mody · 18th November 2019 at 13:19

If you need any help cracking some of these jerks in Mumbai do reach out to me. I will be happy to get these bastards in jail

sameer · 19th November 2019 at 08:52

nashik city police are looking for some call centers like these here in my city if you come across such pls mail

Anuj Sharma · 24th November 2019 at 22:36

I live in mohali, the place you visited i know this place, and i know there are other scammers working from chandigarh only

Asif Khan · 27th November 2019 at 16:28

Great initiative you’ve taken to stop cyber fraud calls on your country and also making an india free fron these type of ridiculous ppl…. Am from hyderabad do reach out to me if you need any help from my side sir….. Respect and thankyou

RAJESH PATIL · 5th July 2020 at 15:14

Great initiative. I’m following these kind of scamming videos for a few days now. It’s really embarrassing that almost all of them are raced back to India. I reside in Mumbai outskirts. Any help needed, let me know. Happy to help.

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