This post contains all the evidence that proves that actor Julian Brand (also known als Julian Bond and Julian Finch) is a criminal and a scammer and commits tech support and money laundering for the scam company Geeks Technical Solutions Pvt Ltd. This company is an Indian tech support scam call center.

in my video at minute 17:11 onwards I will explain the same information as well

What crimes did he commit?

Actor Julian Finch is a criminal and scammer? Let’s check the evidence:

He does tech support scam, wire fraud, telephone fraud, money laundering in cases of several million US Dollars. The Indian call center America Geeks made around $50,000 – 100,000 per day and Julian’s companies enabled them to process credit cards. He took a fair share of the amount. In the business, it’s normal to take a 30% cut.

The US companies that Geeks used to process the credit card payments were: Geeks Technical Support LLC, USA Technology LLC, USA Travel Services LLC, USA Legal Services LLC and Jazz Payment Services LLC all registered by Julian Brand and under the address of #714 Washington Blvd, Marina del Rey, CA. These are the official registration documents for the technology and travel LLC. These are available on Alex Padilla California Secretary of State when entering the LLC’s name.

I have also found that they used 578 Washington Blvd #904, Marina del Rey, CA as their address – which is connected to Brand Realty Investments LLC owned by Julian Brand. “Kevin Nash” aka Naresh Kumar, one of the leading scammers, called Malwarebytes and also mentioned USA Legal Services LLC (source: Malwarebytes: Conversation with America Geeks). You can find their company registration online for example here on You can find the whole list of the companies registered under his name here on CorporationWiki

A network visualization of companies related to Julian Brand

Also through the WHOIS lookup of various websites and domains that Geeks used to defraud people, you will find Julian Brand’s name a couple of times linked to the scam. For example, if you look up the domain you will see this:

The WHOIS registration of that domain

Again Julian Brand and as contact email even [email protected]. That seems to be a common scheme. Even with the company registrations, you will find Mohit Bansal’s name all the time combined with Julian’s. But it doesn’t just end there: on DomainBigData you can see all domains that are registered under Julian Brand’s name and they are all the different scam URLs e.g. or which was the internal CRM tool. I have listed a full list of his purchased and registered domains here.

They are on the Better Business Bureau as well. Geek’s US scam company USA Technology LLC was even BBB accredited and had a A rating by the BBB. So much to the reliability of BBB ratings. The original URL is unavailable now. I luckily saved a snapshot on The Archive. You can find the original site here on The Archive. Again, it shows the known address mentioned and Mohit Bansal as CEO. Also further down it mentions their alternate name USA Technology Services LLC, registered by Julian Brand.

Their travel scam iGoAir aka Skybrowser Pvt Ltd aka USA Travel Services LLC aka “Travelowski” has even a warning alert on their BBB page. Here, Julian Brand appears as CEO of this company. In case the BBB or Julian Brand try to remove their page, I saved a snapshot with The Archive here.

One of the most interesting proofs is a leaked email that we have received. It has Julian Brand’s American Express credit card attached as scan:

So who is Julian Brand?

Julian Brand is an actor who renamed himself recently to Julian Finch and Julian Bond. He is based in Los Angeles, CA. He was playing in movies such as “Dope” and, very suiting, in “The Wolf of Wallstreet” as a Stratton broker who basically scammed people by selling penny stocks. Maybe he has set his personal moral compass based on the movies he played in. You can find him and all the movies he played in on IMDb. But who is he really?

When searching for him, we found his Facebook: He has taken it down since but you can find a snapshot here on The Archive. We know it’s the correct one because you can see mentions of The Dandelion Collective which is also a company registered by him (shown above). His girlfriend Hannah Mason was with him in Chandigarh, the city where the Indian call center is located. It was a business trip of Julian to check on his call center and Hannah posted about it on Facebook.

Julian Brand
Hannah, his girlfriend, posting about their trip

He’s an actor, he has his own page at IMDb and a couple of demo showreels on Vimeo. We also assume that he got contacted by the scammers when he was recording some reel footage in India for this feature film called “Happy Journey”. For that film, he also visits Dharamshala, a city in North India, not too far from the call center. Actually, many employees of Geeks are from there.

His own website,, has been taken down but a copy still exists on the Wayback Machine. He has taken steps to remove himself from the internet.

Julian Brand also has a LinkedIn account. He lists CutPay Merchant Services as his interests – sounds like their payment gateway. Payment gateways are used to process the scam victim’s credit cards. Also on the right, you can see Mohit Bansal with Jazz Payment Services LLC.

Lastly, we have the pics of the meetings between the Indian owners of the call center Kunal and Mohit Bansal, their management and Julian Brand. In this case, these pics are from Kunal’s wedding:

This is a call recording between me and a source inside the call center. That person explains the origin of these pictures and also stating that Julian himself called the scam number to test if “his” agents are properly working. He also confirmed that Julian visited the office a couple of times.

Lastly, their newest company, JAZZ PAYMENT SERVICES LLC. It’s also registered under Julian Brand’s name and according to Mohit Bansal’s LinkedIn is Mohit the CFO of this company. They registered the company on 1042 S Olive St Los Angeles, CA 90015, which is exactly the address of Rythm Visuals. That’s a new art project of Julian and probably Hannah aswell. They use this shell company to process new scam money. Here’s a link to their Google Maps and here is there website with Julian mentioned on it.

Julian’s and Hannah’s current project “Rythm Visuals” in Los Angeles

I hope this information is enough to get investigations going. They are doing money laundering of several millions of US Dollars for his Indian fraudster friends.

I hope that my information is enough to understand how Julian Finch is committing fraud and illegal activities in regards to Indian scam call centers. So yes, Actor Julian Finch is a criminal and scammer.

If you need more information or clarification, I’m always available for further information. Go to my contact section to find out how to reach me.


nell-e mateo · 11th September 2020 at 08:15

I came across your videos and I hope you get all the resources you need to catch these criminals. Thank you for your work. I am amazed by your work and please stay strong.

Julian Draper · 24th December 2020 at 04:54

Julian Brand currently lives in Japan. He stole my identity.

    NeeP · 24th December 2020 at 10:19

    I think these are just rumors that he’s living in Japan. A lot of stories like this are published on the internet with little to no evidence for that.

    NeeP · 27th December 2020 at 22:26

    Do you have more info on him living in Japan? How did he stole your identity? What’s the story behind that?

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