is a website that provides information and ratings on the trustworthiness and reliability of online businesses. The goal of Scamadvisor is to help consumers make informed decisions about where to shop online and avoid scams and fraud.

Scamadvisor uses a variety of data sources to determine the trustworthiness of a website, including the location of the website’s servers, the length of time the website has been in operation, and customer reviews. Scamadvisor also checks for any reported scams or fraudulent activity associated with the website.

To use Scamadvisor, simply enter the URL of the website you are considering shopping on into the search bar on the Scamadvisor homepage. Scamadvisor will then provide you with a report on the website, including its rating, location, and any red flags or warnings.

There are several benefits to using Scamadvisor. First and foremost, it can help protect you from online scams and fraud. By checking a website’s rating and reading customer reviews, you can get a sense of whether or not a website is trustworthy and whether or not you should make a purchase from it.

In addition to protecting you from scams, Scamadvisor can also help you find legitimate online businesses. If you are looking to purchase something online and are not sure where to start, Scamadvisor can provide you with a list of reputable websites in your area or for the product you are looking for.

Another benefit of Scamadvisor is that it can save you time and money. By checking a website’s rating before making a purchase, you can avoid wasting time and money on a website that may not deliver the goods or services you are expecting.

In addition to its ratings and reviews, Scamadvisor also offers a number of tools and resources to help you stay safe online. These include tips on how to protect your personal information, advice on how to recognize and avoid online scams, and a list of common online scams to watch out for.

Overall, Scamadvisor is a valuable resource for anyone shopping online. It can help protect you from scams and fraud, point you towards reputable websites, and save you time and money by helping you make informed decisions about where to shop. Whether you are a seasoned online shopper or new to the world of e-commerce, Scamadvisor is a tool that can help you stay safe and secure while shopping online.

Even this website, has been scanned by ScamAdvisor and proven as secure. You can find the detailed report here: